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Picking Up After Your Dog: Why It's Important

If you are not picking after your dog it means that your dog's waste is scattered in every corner of your environment. Dog waste that is not carefully dumped isn't thrown away properly, and this leads to dirtiness and the risk of other dogs, children, and even water getting contaminated with diseases.

But proper disposal of our dog waste will be the opposite of these bad experiences. Waste from our dogs should be disposed of properly to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of our communities and cities.

Why is it important to pick up after your dog...?

It is considered to be a pollutant to the environment

Dog waste is considered to be a pollutant because it consists of nutrients and pathogens, and these are the contaminants that are mostly found in dog waste. When dog waste is washed into rivers, it transmits diseases that are harmful to living creatures into the water as well as to people who come in touch with the water. This nutrient can encourage the growth of algae and other plant life, which renders the water unfit for recreational use.

The law may require it.

It is required by many localities and governments that you pick up after your dog at all times. It is very obvious to pick up after your dog in public places like parks and other public areas where there are signs posted reminding you to do so, it is also common that neighborhood homeowners associations might require that you pick up after your dog even in your yard.

Even if you live in a neighborhood where there are no posted signs or a homeowners organization that enforces the rules, the city or county in which you reside may have laws and regulations in place that require you to clean up after your pet when you take them into public locations.

Dog waste causes water contamination.

When the dog's poop is dissolved in water, they give rise to the growth of algae and other types of flora. These organisms produce scum, which in turn creates circumstances that are harmful to fish and people. Even if you do not live near the coast, runoff from rain and melting snow can carry accumulated dog waste down storm drains, which then pollutes streams, creeks, lakes, and rivers. This can happen regardless of where you reside so it is advisable to pick up after your dog.

It has an Unpleasant Odor.

Dog waste that is left lying around in public parks, on shared pathways, and even on the lawns of residential neighborhoods can soon accumulate to the point that the smell is unbearable.

The smell of dog poop is very disheartening and I'm sure nobody loves that awful smell. Even if you live in a remote region with no nearby neighbors, there is a good chance that your evening strolling can be ruined by the smell of an absurd amount of dog waste that has accumulated in the yard.

It harms the ecological system.

Dog feces have an abnormally high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus; hence, if you leave your dog's excrement lying around on your grass, it can create burns in your lawn. Your grass will die if you do not pick up your dog's waste. If you don't pick it up, the high acidity will eventually destroy the vegetation in your yard.

You have to know that dog poo cannot be compared to cow dung because cows consume plant materials. Cow dung, on the other hand, may be turned into a useful composting material for use in agricultural settings like gardens and fields while dog's poop if it is not left on the farmland has the potential to spread pathogenic bacteria to nearby fruits, plants, and other sections of the environment.

It Spreads Disease

Even if your dog is perfectly healthy and displays no signs of sickness, the bacteria and parasites that they may be carrying in their feces might still be transmitted to other animals and people. Additionally, you don't necessarily have to come into touch with dog excrement to catch a disease from it; instead, flies or other animals that come into contact with it may do so.

How to pick up your dog poo

  • Use a disposable bag to pick up your dog's waste and then discard the bag immediately. You can get biodegradable baggies manufactured for this purpose in most places that sell pet supplies. This is a more ecologically responsible solution than reusing plastic shopping bags, which may be a terrific method to reuse plastic supermarket bags in general.

  • It is also okay to pick it up with toilet paper and flush the feces down the toilet.

  • If you want to avoid having to bend over while picking up the waste, you might use an old rake that has a scooping pan.

It is important to know all these apply to all dogs whether it's a white husky, golden retriever, german shepherd, bull dug, etc

In conclusion

The duty of cleaning up after the dog might be unpleasant and inconvenient for you. The truth is, you are not only being a good citizen and a decent pet parent when you take a minute or two to pick up after your dog, but you are also contributing to the overall effort to save the environment.

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